Sunday, February 28, 2010

List Of Animals And Their Meaning - Like the title says

Alligator - aggression, survival, adaptability
Ant- team player, worker
Armadillo - active, nocturnal, protection
Bat - guardian of the night, cleaner
Bear - power, adaptability
Bear Paw - strength, mobility
Beaver - builder, gather
Bobcat - fierce, loner intensity
Brontosaurus - harmless giant
Buffalo - sacredness, life builder
Buffalo Skull - sacredness, reverence for life
Bull - strength, warning

Butterfly - metamorphosis, carefree, transformer
Camel - weary, enduring
Cat - independence, grace, healing
Cougar - leadership, courage
Cow - patience, stoicism
Coyote - prankster, insight, playful
Crane - solitude, independence
Deer - love, gentleness, kindness
Dog - loyalty, protection
Dolphin - kindness, play, bridge man to ocean
Dove-love, peace, gentleness
Dragon - wisdom, nobility

Dragonfly - flighty, carefree
Eagle - divine spirit, connection to creator
Elephant - long life, self-preservation
Elk - strength, agility, freedom
Fox - cunning, provider, intelligence
Frog - connection with water element
Giraffe - watchfulness, mobility
Goat - stubborn, omnivorous
Goose - faithful, communicative, traveler

Gorilla - brute strength, adaptability
Grizzly Bear - hunter, nature's pharmacist
Hawk - messenger, stopper of time
Hippo - linking water and earth, survival
Hopi Hand - life, creative, healing
Horse - stamina, mobility, strength
Hummingbird - messenger, stopper of time
Kangaroo - feisty, fun loving
Lion - power, strength, respect
Lizard - conservation, agility
Loon - solitude, song, romance

Manatee - peaceable, unassuming
Mastodon - lumbering giant
Monkey - playfulness, agility
Moose - headstrong, unstoppable, longevity
Mouse - timid, secretive, and sneaky
Orca - focus, power
Ostrich - fickle, fast moving
Otter - laughter, curiosity, truth, patience
Owl - wisdom, perseverance
Panda - playful, kindness
Pegasus - carrier of lightning
Pelican - ever watchful, grace

Penguin - playful, loving
Pheasant - confidence, attraction, perseverance
Pig - intelligence, hunger
Polar Bear - fearlessness, power
Pterodactyl - wing finger
Quail - sacred spiral, ceremonial, Holy
Rabbit - alertness, resourceful
Raccoon - bandit, shy, determination
Ram - new beginning, teacher, hoarder
Raptor - speedy thief
Raven - trickster, mischievous

Rhino - durability, strength
Road Runner - speed, agility, cleverness
Salmon - instinct, persistence, determination
Scorpion - defense, self-protection
Seahorse - confidence, grace
Shark - hunter, survival
Skunk - wary, conspicuous, and intense
Snake - shrewdness, transformation

Spider - creative, pattern of life
Squirrel - trusting, innocence
Steer Skull - silent testimony
Stegosaurus - the covered lizard
Swan - grace, balance, festive
Thunderbird - caller of rain
Turkey - smart, elusive
Turtle - self - contained creative source
Unicorn - redemption, salvation

Water Buffalo - great strength, hard working
Whale - wisdom, power, cleanser
Wolf - loyalty, success, perseverance
Wolf Paw - freedom, success, guidance
Zebra - family-oriented, alert
Zuni Bear - good health

List Of Animals And Their Meaning - Like the title says

Alligator - aggression, survival, adaptability
Ant- team player, worker
Armadillo - active, nocturnal, protection
Bat - guardian of the night, cleaner
Bear - power, adaptability
Bear Paw - strength, mobility
Beaver - builder, gather
Bobcat - fierce, loner intensity
Brontosaurus - harmless giant
Buffalo - sacredness, life builder
Buffalo Skull - sacredness, reverence for life
Bull - strength, warning

Butterfly - metamorphosis, carefree, transformer
Camel - weary, enduring
Cat - independence, grace, healing
Cougar - leadership, courage
Cow - patience, stoicism
Coyote - prankster, insight, playful
Crane - solitude, independence
Deer - love, gentleness, kindness
Dog - loyalty, protection
Dolphin - kindness, play, bridge man to ocean
Dove-love, peace, gentleness
Dragon - wisdom, nobility

Dragonfly - flighty, carefree
Eagle - divine spirit, connection to creator
Elephant - long life, self-preservation
Elk - strength, agility, freedom
Fox - cunning, provider, intelligence
Frog - connection with water element
Giraffe - watchfulness, mobility
Goat - stubborn, omnivorous
Goose - faithful, communicative, traveler

Gorilla - brute strength, adaptability
Grizzly Bear - hunter, nature's pharmacist
Hawk - messenger, stopper of time
Hippo - linking water and earth, survival
Hopi Hand - life, creative, healing
Horse - stamina, mobility, strength
Hummingbird - messenger, stopper of time
Kangaroo - feisty, fun loving
Lion - power, strength, respect
Lizard - conservation, agility
Loon - solitude, song, romance

Manatee - peaceable, unassuming
Mastodon - lumbering giant
Monkey - playfulness, agility
Moose - headstrong, unstoppable, longevity
Mouse - timid, secretive, and sneaky
Orca - focus, power
Ostrich - fickle, fast moving
Otter - laughter, curiosity, truth, patience
Owl - wisdom, perseverance
Panda - playful, kindness
Pegasus - carrier of lightning
Pelican - ever watchful, grace

Penguin - playful, loving
Pheasant - confidence, attraction, perseverance
Pig - intelligence, hunger
Polar Bear - fearlessness, power
Pterodactyl - wing finger
Quail - sacred spiral, ceremonial, Holy
Rabbit - alertness, resourceful
Raccoon - bandit, shy, determination
Ram - new beginning, teacher, hoarder
Raptor - speedy thief
Raven - trickster, mischievous

Rhino - durability, strength
Road Runner - speed, agility, cleverness
Salmon - instinct, persistence, determination
Scorpion - defense, self-protection
Seahorse - confidence, grace
Shark - hunter, survival
Skunk - wary, conspicuous, and intense
Snake - shrewdness, transformation

Spider - creative, pattern of life
Squirrel - trusting, innocence
Steer Skull - silent testimony
Stegosaurus - the covered lizard
Swan - grace, balance, festive
Thunderbird - caller of rain
Turkey - smart, elusive
Turtle - self - contained creative source
Unicorn - redemption, salvation

Water Buffalo - great strength, hard working
Whale - wisdom, power, cleanser
Wolf - loyalty, success, perseverance
Wolf Paw - freedom, success, guidance
Zebra - family-oriented, alert
Zuni Bear - good health

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Ugly animals

'Ugly' at his home in a veterinary clinic in New Hampshire (All pictures by Barcroft, Rex and Getty Images)


At any given time, about 800 animals of more than 200 species make their homes at the Birmingham Zoo, including 80 species of birds, 80 of reptiles, and 60 mammals. For a current list of all species in our collection, see our Animal List.

Animals are cared for daily by a dedicated staff of curators, zoological managers and keepers at the Birmingham Zoo. These professionals provide well maintained environments that reflect their natural habitats. They also work hard "enriching" animals' lives to make life more interesting and less predictable. Keepers may place food inside "puzzles" for animals, spread an unusual scent in a habitat, or train animals in new behavior as a form of enrichment.

Our Animal Nutrition Center prepares balanced diets for animals in the collection and our Animal Health Center provides expert veterinary care.

In accordance with Association of Zoos & Aquariums Species Survival Plans, animals may be sent to and from other zoos to manage the genetic viability of designated captive animal populations.

All photographs on Birmingham Zoo are of animals in their habitats at the Birmingham Zoo.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Science Daily (Jun. 19, 2008) - Some migratory songbirds figure out the best place to live by eavesdropping on the singing of others that successfully have had baby birds - a communication and behavioral trait so strong that researchers playing recorded songs induced them to nest in places they otherwise would have avoided.

This suggests that songbirds have more complex communication abilities than had previously been understood, researchers say, and that these "social cues" can be as or more important than the physical environment of a site.

The discovery was just published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B by scientists from Oregon State University, along with collaborators from Wellesley College, Queen's University and Trent University in Ontario, Canada.

"Finding the right habitat in Which to breed is a matter of life and death for most birds," said Matthew Betts, an OSU assistant professor of forest science and expert on avian ecology. "They do not live a long time and they need to get it right the first time."

"The common wisdom is that these birds select sites Solely on vegetation structure," Betts said. "If a bird selects a site for its nest that does not have the appropriate cover and food supply, it most likely will not be able to successfully breed. But now we know that young birds can listen to the songs of more experienced and successful birds and use this to help decide where they will nest the next year. "

The scientists discovered this in experimental studies at 54 research sites with the black-throated blue warbler in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. During the fall when some of these birds had successfully mated and were singing to their young - probably to teach the young ones how to sing - the researchers played recordings of their song in other places that were, in fact, lousy bird habitat. Other black-throated blue warblers flying overhead heard these songs and decide it must be a good place to live, all visual evidence to the contrary, and returned to these exact sites the next spring to nest.

Male birds were four times more likely to follow the cues provided by song than by their own observations of the physical environment, the study showed. And even though the male had made a poor choice, the females - too trusting for their own good - followed them there.

"We had a lot of birds come to settle in inappropriate habitat, just because they had heard our recorded bird songs there the previous year," Betts said. "We were actually pretty surprised that the effect of this communication was so strong."

The study was done with a single species of songbird, Betts said, but its findings are probably relevant to at least some other songbirds and perhaps other animal species as well. Much is not yet understood about the nature and importance of animal communication, but studies such as this make it clear that animals are, in fact, talking to each other in a social manner with information of considerable significance.

In the natural world, Betts said, there's a cost to making noise of any type - among other things, it can alert potential predators to your presence. So "it makes sense that if there's a risk to vocal communication, there must also be some important benefits."

It's been understood for some time, he said, that birds make various noises and songs for specific reasons, such as to defend their territory or attract mates - a "soft song" is often used in the presence of the female. This study takes the significance of that communication to a higher level, implying that what a bird hears may be more important than what they actually see or experience.

This ability, he said, may also be highly useful in the advent of climate change or other rapidly changing habitat conditions. It's a valuable shortcut. If birds can simply listen to vocal cues and make rapid decisions about something as important as future nesting habitat, Betts said, they may be able to respond more quickly and appropriately to degraded environmental conditions without having to experience them personally.

"If a bird can fly over a broad area and just by listening to songs identify 10 good places to nest, there's a real value to that," Betts said.

"Most migratory songbirds are very territorial and still might fight for those places next year, but one of them might be vacant, just from some bird that died over the winter," he said. "With little energy the songbird has found a successful place to rear its young, just by listening to other birds sing about their parental success

Indian Cobra (Naja naja)

Indian or spectacled cobra (Naja naja)
Bulgaria: Индийска кобра (Indiyska kobra)
China: 印度 眼镜蛇 (Yindu yan jing she)
Czech Republic: Kobra Indicke
Finland: Intiankobra
France: Cobra indien, cobra à lunettes
Germany: Indische Kobra
Holland: India brilcobra
Hungary: Pápaszemes kobra
Italy: Indian Cobra, cobra dagli occhiali
Japan: インド コブラ (Indo kobura)
Lithuania: Indiškoji kobra
Malaysia: Tedung India, tedung senduk
Norway, Sweden: Indisk kobra
Poland: Kobra Indyjska
Portugal: Naja-indiana
Russia: Индийская кобра (Indiyskaya kobra)
Spain: Cobra Indian spectacled cobra
Thailand: งูเห่า อินเดีย (Ngu Hao India)
Turkey: Hindistan gözlüklü kobrası